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The 1st Wives Club

1st Wives Club


As you should know by now

#Societygirls are pretty much mad about

90's anything, 90's everything.

Mostly due to the fact that

we were birthed in the late 80's

and reigned childhood terror in the 90's....

ahhh good times.

So this explains why

we often create pieces

for this guide based on things produced during

that golden era of time

known as 1990-1999.


This is entry is not totally based on


it's more so about


3 fabulous & tactful women,

and a cute club.

There may come a time (or 2)

in every #societygirls life

where she has to take the matters

of karma into her own hands.

Though Karma is the ultimate hitwoman

and the primary bestower of an issue for wrongdoers,

we may,

at some point in our lives,

take her matters into our own two palms

and turn tragedy into some form of triumph.

And who better to display this

Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn, and Diane Keaton

otherwise known as

Brenda, Elise, And Annie.


Now for those of you are out of the loop


sigh smh


Please direct yourself to the nearest

and watch the damn film immediately

for your own sake.


Even If you've never been privy to a viewing

you can still learn

a thing or two here

and then have it all click for you later

as you bless yourself with comedic relief

while watching.

Now allow us to press on

and unveil all of which we have learned


The 1st wives club


* There are 3 things

that have the ability to

bind women together forever

they are as follows:

* Friendship

* Love

* Jewelery

Be sure to toast to the 3

with a glass of


while taking a #Selfie,

well actually an

with the women whom

you'd like to be bound to


*Say NO to collagen

"Your lips will look like

they got stuck in a pool drain."

* The 3 ages for women in Hollywood

according to Elise Elliot:


-District Attorny

-Driving Miss. Daisy

*Tip for straight women visiting gay bars:

When overly aggressive lesbians

don't want to let up

call on your best friend

to double as your girlfriend


*Note:This also works in straight bars

&/or clubs when overly aggressive men refuse to take a hike.

*When dealing with unexpressed anger

take a squidgy toy to the head of your shrink.

*Pretty stationary counts

as we learned

when Annie recieved Cynthina's letter

after her passing and her Mother remarks

"And on such Pretty Stationary"

*When beginning a club you'll need

* A Common Cause

* A Base Of Operation

* Cute Business Cards

* Great escape routes and

strategies for your missions

*When storming into someones office

-ignore all pleas

made by defenseless secratary.

-Come equipped with an army of movers

-Take all the good stuff:

Most notably

* The Faberge Eggs

* Lempicka paintings

* Wingback chairs

* Japanese Secratary

* Tiffany Vase

your retort to any objections

about your actions must be

"It's the 90's Bill, Downsize."

*Always remember that

Uncle Carmine

would be honored to

take anyone out for you.

*Never show up to a Bar Mitzvah

looking like a gift.

*NOTE: Litte red dress and mink coat

are reserved for jealously missions.

*So lets say you've met a man

when using descript terms

to speak about him

you must quote Pheobe

(Elizabeth Berkely)


"I met a man.

He's an angel,

he's a God,

he's a DOCTOR."

*When doing venegful work

* gather every piece of information

you can get your hands on.

* Get the Lambo repoed

* Cultivate "break-in"

Mission ideas while working out

* And Host an auction at

selling off

ALL things

you've taken back.

*If you plan to marry for $

You're gonna need

Gunilla Garson Goldberg's blueprint.

Gonilla Garson Goldberg =

1st x 2nd x 3rd x 4th wife

which = Very comfortable surroundings

*Tips to take from Gonilla:

-Host Super Social Luncheons

- Remember

All You Need To Take Your Place

In #Society Is:

* a few words of advice

* a guiding hand

* Correct florist

* an utterly ideal chef

* And A decorator of death

"Your house is your calling card.

It has to be perfected,

photographed, published"

- G.G. Goldberg

-Do your dirty work

from the back seat

of a #Vintage Rolls whilst wearing a mink.


Do your dirty work

from the back of a 90's limo

with a mobile phone, laptop,

and a driver by the name of Johnny.

* To close it all out:

Here are the key things one must remember

If they remember nothing else

that pertains to the lessons

taken away from the

1st Wives Club

No. 01: Don't get mad, get everything.

No. 02: Good group of people to have in your arsenal

*a high ranking #society matron

*a low ranking interior decorator

*an uncle in the mob

*an office downtown,

in a building you or one of your friends own.

No.03: Vocabulary words

#SocialClimber On The Rise = Self Explanatory

Sublime x Essential x Oxygen = terms used to describe the greatness of something

No.04: Dropping Jackie O.'s name

can sale a $40,000 piece of furniture

No.05: Hijack your ex husbands business

gain great leverage

and utilize black mail if neccessary.


Also a couple extra tid bits

that you should totally get into

The Pop Art begininng of the movie


The Marvelous Soundtrack

Most notably

'Wives & Lovers' - By Dionne Warwick

This without doubt

is a record

that belongs on

The Ultimate #Societygirl's Soundtrack To Life.


Which 1st wife do you identify with most and why

let us know all about it


As usual you can always find us on IG

and also do come &

there's all types of

to be had there



Darling Bonnie & Co.

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